nordic currents

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Driving through mist this morning was a rather pleasant experience much due to trees and ground enhanced by frost. Frost and mist forms a good basis for a flowing presence in mother nature. Questing AltaVista for mist returns a wide selection of misting systems (which I don't want in my living room) as well as the maid of the mist about a Niagara Falls tour boat. Seems to be quite some experience. The mistiest place I have visited is Bukit Fraser (Fraser's Hill) in Malaysia. The 5 year old hotel we stayed at was completely wasted by mould due to extreme humidity.

--- posted by froderik | 17:38 | ---


03.04   04.04   05.04   07.04   08.04   10.04   11.04   01.05   02.05   03.05   04.05   07.05   08.05   11.05   12.05   01.06   02.06   05.06  

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