nordic currents

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As no one may have noticed - since no one is reading this blog - I haven't written anything in a while which is due partly to the fact that I haven't had enough energy and partly to my new nerd blog: scattered, where I will post ramblings about Java and technology. The rest will sporadically end up here. I would for example love to comment on recent movies like depressive Sylvia, hopegiving A Beautiful Mind or Italian real estate ad Under the Tuscan Sun. (Liked the latter the most....) Maybe I will do that later.

--- posted by froderik | 17:28 | ---


03.04   04.04   05.04   07.04   08.04   10.04   11.04   01.05   02.05   03.05   04.05   07.05   08.05   11.05   12.05   01.06   02.06   05.06  

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